July 8, 2010

Praise the  Lord - all is going forward in the strength and might of the Lord!  Ami was  able to start Occupational Therapy this week and immediately was fitted for a new brace that stretches the thumb away from the hand so he will have maximum movement and flexibility of the joint  He will need physical and occupational therapy at least once a week in two different locations  for about 2 months.  The physical therapist that the Lord led us to is working not only on the thumb, but on the restoration of strength in the whole hand.  It is really an answer to prayer.  Ami has very unique bone structures in both hands, and this therapist has taken an interest in improving the movement and strength in both.  What favor from the Lord! Both therapists are encouraged with the strength and movement that there already is, and are looking forward to helping him to further improve both.


Besides the daunting therapy schedules, he will be undergoing the left ear drum restoration this Sunday, God willing.  We went today to the post-op check up and to sign forms, etc.  The surgeon who did the first surgery is an older man who is very fond of Ami, tussling his hair, etc.  However, he wasn't going to be able to perform Sunday's surgery, and so he tried to convince us to put the operation off yet another couple of months so he could do it!!  We really didn't feel that this was what the Lord wanted, and so another surgeon who is vey accomplished, who just completed a fellowship in the U.S. in some complicated neurological ear surgical procedure will probably be the one to operate. Another  doctor who checked Ami in for the surgery checked  the right ear that was operated on one year ago.  He said that the job is so perfect you can't tell that there was an injury to the ear at all!! Thank  you Lord for the miraculous answer to prayer on the right ear drum.  All the doctors say that the operation on the  left ear will be....."tricky" to coin their words, as there doesn't appear to be much of a rim for the new ear drum to grab onto, it was all so badly damaged.

Please keep Ami, the surgery and the surgeon in your prayers this Sunday - the surgery will take place in the morning sometime between 7:30 AM and 12 noon our time, depending on the order of patients that they choose - sometimes they leave the more difficult surgeries for last.  Then Ami  will be staying one night in the hospital and we'll be able to bring him home the morning after - we also have film crews and others visiting  throughout the week, and then I will God willing be travelling to the U.S. for just one week for my mother's 88th birthday.  I will be going alone, please pray for travelling mercies and for the Lord to touch my mother's heart, and for her salvation.


We had a wonderful visit last month from our friend William J. Murray and his wife Nancy for only a few days.  He spoke in our Shabbat meeting, and gave a very sobering message.  Bill is the CEO of the Religious Freedom Coalition, an NGO which works in Washington, DC to protect Biblical values in our laws and government, and to help persecuted believers around the world.  He shared with us that the U.S. government is broke and borrowing large sums of money every minute of every day to finance their wars overseas.  They  borrow from their  enemies in essence - from China, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and although as a nation the U.S. used to be the world's police force, or watch dog, they no longer have the say they once did or the clout, because they are at the mercy of those lending them millions every day.  I encourage you to check out his website - http://www.rfcnet.org/news/default.asp The RFC has helped us with our legal fees very generously.  We are grateful for their love, support and prayer.

Ami's schedule will be daunting for the next couple of weeks - please pray for healing of the operation, the scar from his latest surgery - the ear operation, the physical and occupational therapy, and of course total recovery, especially for full restoration of strength in the left hand.  Please pray for success in the ear drum restoration, that even though  that yet another miracle of restoration will take place.  Please pray for grace for Ami as the recovery from this operation was long and painful the last time.
Thank you for praying, for your wonderful emails of encouragement, and for sharing  your prayer requests with us -

In Yeshua's love and fellowship,


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