March 18, 2009

Just a quick praise report!

This past Monday, our good friends, and the Middle East Correspondent from CBN’s 700 Club, Chris Mitchell and his wife Liz, came to do an update on Ami and our family. I don’t know when it will be shown, but we’ll let you all know as soon as we find out. Chris and Liz are unique servants of the Lord, picked and polished for the ministry of the 700 Club in Israel. We thank God for them.


Today we had the conference with the hand specialists in Tel HaShomer hospital. When we walked into the conference room, there was long table the length of the room, and at least 15 orthopedic specialists around the table. It was quite intimidating. However, the wonderful surgeon who operated on Ami’s arm in June, 2008, and her fellow surgeon who has been seeing us since, were there and they took over.

They grabbed his EMG’s and saw that they apparently showed little improvement in the nerve function since September, and then Ami was grilled by the doctor’s. They asked him what bothered him the most - he said the lack of function and neuropathic pain in his left hand. He said the pinky on his right hand which still has some clawing, didn’t bother him. He has trouble bending his thumb to touch the pinky of his left hand, and the doctor’s were thinking that the problem was the tendon, and they started discussing doing a tendon replacement when all of a sudden, the doctor who was manning the computer found an x-ray that apparently no one had seen before! It showed quite clearly that the joint at the base of the thumb is dislocated!!

All of a sudden, everyone said, “that changes everything”. Ami got nervous - but when they explained that this was a much simpler operation with much less recovery time, he was ecstatic and nearly sailed out of the room! We made another appointment for June, and now we know how to pray! Lord, please just pop that joint back into place, in Yeshua’s Name, Amen!


Thanks to all who have signed the petition, we’re up to 1,500 now and climbing - a very respectable number. Thank you for your very effective, and at times moving comments, and thanks to all who have written to the Israeli Embassy in your area. We are doing what we can as led by the Lord, and we thank you for standing by us in everything, every step of the way. Gratitude wells up in our hearts.

In Yeshua, Leah

Psalm 18:33-35

33 He makes my feet like the feet of deer,
And sets me on my high places.
34 He teaches my hands to make war,
So that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

35 You have also given me the shield of Your salvation;
Your right hand has held me up,
Your gentleness has made me great.


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