May 15, 2009

Yesterday we went to have the bandage removed from Ami's ear - it was a painless procedure which took place with him lying down, having the bandage removed, the surface of the ear drum cleaned up, and drops put in. The surgeon was very pleased with the healing that he saw, and he said that the new ear drum was in place, covering the hole. When Ami sat up - I wish we had taken a picture of his face - he was hearing! Every sound was heightened for those first few moments and he was almost flinching, but with a big smile on his face. The surgeon was smiling, David and I were smiling, it was a moment to remember. Ami told me - whisper, and I'll tell you what I hear. A few whispered sentences later, he was ecstatic!

The surgeon told us that he still has to refrain from lifting anything heavy, participating in sports, and he can't let water get into the ear. We'll come back in another 3 weeks for the final check up. Surgery in the left ear can only be done in another 6-12 months.


We walked outside, and Ami heard a plane flying overhead (which was very faint), the cars passing by, people talking, he even heard the wind whistling in his ear. It was interesting! We joked with him saying that he had bionic hearing. Throughout the day, he got used to his new hearing ability very quickly, as we went to visit a soup kitchen that is sponsored by one of the American Calvary Chapels, in Tel Aviv.

Every Thursday they feed the homeless, alcoholics and drug addicts, and those who have just run into hard times financially. They have tables with used clothing, and our friend, Brian Slater who is a nurse, mans a medical clinic. It is an important and vital work being done in the name of Yeshua, and it was inspiring seeing the work in action.

Also some really good news, and further answer to prayer - Ami off-handedly told me that he forgets to take his medication for the nerve pain sometimes. I said, "does that mean that you have less pain". He said, "it just means I forget to take it sometimes, and don't go off writing about it in your updates!" I told him - "it's because of all these people praying that you are making such great strides!" He agreed, but he said that at times he really does have a lot of pain, but there are certain times that he is actually pain free. That is such huge progress! Next week we'll be going back to the Rehab hospital to discuss the medication and so I'll be patient and wait until I hear what he has to say to the doctor.


We are really coming down the home stretch in Ami's recovery. Next weekend the older kids in our youth group are going for a two day youth conference which is specifically aimed at their age group. Praise the Lord, Ami can go now that he's not wearing the pressure suit. I know it will still be challenging for him to shower in front of the other guys in his room, as his body is still covered with terrible scars, and his left foot is unsightly. However, he is eager to go and I am very grateful for that.
What is still before us............Ami will need surgery on his left hand, plastic surgery for the scars, plastic and orthopedic surgery on the left foot, and the left ear drum. All of this will probably stretch out for another year.

In just 14 months we have come a very long way - recovery in every dimension has taken place quickly. We've been able to hold on and trust the Lord only because of His mighty grace and presence in our lives, and because of your prayers. I am saying this with all honesty, we have been restored to mental, emotional, and physical health through the healing power of Yeshua, working through prayer , encouragement and the support of the Body of Messiah around the world. It has been an experience that has turned us into different people altogether.

I hope to be able to share some further breakthroughs as far as the investigation is concerned, but please know that the Lord is working in that area. However, the information and what is being done is sensitive, and I can't share it on such a public platform as this. We continue to pray for the perpetrators, and we especially pray that they won't be able to harm anyone else.


I remind myself that the enmity towards the Good News of Yeshua has to do mainly with sin.

John 3:19
19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.

The Bible is so clear and simplifies every complicated argument that is lifted up against God.

2 Corinthians 10:4-6
4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Messiah, 6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Interesting to note that obedience to the Messiah causes Him to be able to act against those who are in disobedience.

My husband, David, wanted to share something which he dictated to me below -

"We were in a restaurant in town, Ami, myself and Leah. There's a man called Shlomo, and a couple of years back he was very much against us. He got kind of violent, but later apologized for his behavior. He saw us sitting down in the hamburger joint, and he came over to our table. Shlomo is originally from Morocco and speaks French and Hebrew, and I count him as a person that has gone through many deep problems and crises with his children. So he spoke to me and said, 'David I just want to tell you something.' What he told me reminded me, in the way he spoke out of his life experience and how he believes God works, of one of Job's comforters.

Shlomo said, 'When this thing happened to Ami, I said to myself, how could this tragedy happen?' In his understanding, God allows these things only when He punishes people. 'But then when I saw your son on TV, and I saw the story and saw him playing basketball, I came to the conclusion that I was wrong, because what happened with your son, proves the God is with you. He has been resurrected from the dead.' He said, 'Look at your son! He's alive and going forward.' He then invited us to come to his home for a visit and he reaffirmed his friendship with us. He grabbed my hand to tell me that he is one of the people that is with us at this time."

Thank you for continuing to be with us on this journey.

In Yeshua,


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